Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Personal Experience with Asus F80S

I have been using this laptop (Asus F80S) since 2008. All I can say that it is a good laptop.

Asus F80S
 Some of you might still be  using this model. When I bought it 5 years ago I was impressed with the spec.

This is just my personal review about this laptop. Just don't expect it to be a detail review like the one coming from a professional laptop reviewer.

My laptop was doing well for the first 2 years. Screen display was great and combined that with ATI Radeon HD 3470; hdmi output. Some minor complaints were just about the mediocre battery life, speaker quality and the weight which is  a little on heavy side compare to other laptops of the same size. Take note that I wouldn't comment on the software it came up with.

Asus F80S basically was equipped with amazing hardwares. Unfortunately it  also contributes to the most significant problem for this laptop - OVERHEATING.

Intel Core 2 Duo, as far as I know is designed for desktop computer. It will of course consume a lot of power and generating a lot of heat. Bear in mind that f80s also has ATI graphic card which also produces heat. I think f80s probably has some design issue. If you look at the bottom of the laptop, it doesn’t have enough ventilation to allow air coming into the laptop.

Asus F80S bottom - Not much air vents
My f80s started having trouble after about 2 years. It suddenly shut down when I was playing counter strike. Blue screen came on when I restarted the laptop. However it managed to get back to normal start up after a while. Since then my f80s did that (automatic shut down) now and then especially when the laptop is doing heavy tasks - photo editing in photoshop, lightroom or movie editing in sony vegas. (editing is not my main job, just a hobby)

I found a temporary solution to prevent it by using 'batter saving mode'. ( you can access that with the button next to on/off button). It helped to reduce the frequency of automatic shut down. 1 year later  the hard disk crashed.

After replacing the hard disk and installing windows 7 it has been working well except for compatibility issue with the sound system software. I just hope that its lifespan will extent up to 10 years.

I have taken some precautionary measures to make sure my asus f80s is not overheating:

1. Avoid 'High Performance' mode unless when you really need it. (I have monitored the temperature. Changing from 'battery saving' mode to 'high performance' will increase the temperature about +10 C)

2. Always use 'battery saving' mode whenever possible

3. Cooling pad is useful to reduce temp for about 2-3 C. I use Cooler Master

4. Use sleep mode instead of leaving it idle if you don’t plan to shut down

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Tempoh Menunggu Graduan Perubatan


memang betul la sekarang makin ramai graduan doktor. dah berkarat otak duduk kat rumah tak buat ape.

aku dah buat temuduga spa pada akhir december 2012. dah sebulan lebih menunggu.
aku dengar ada yang kena tunggu sampai lebih 4 bulan. bila call kkm, staf dia kata kena tunggu dalam 2 bulan. jadi harap2 aku tak perlu tunggu lebih dari tu. duit makin banyak mengalir keluar ni.

in case kalau korang nk tanya pasal induksi blh call kkm bahagian latihan; 03-88850600.

masalahnya bila kawan aku call dia kata kena tunggu 4 bulan. jadi tak tau yg mana betul. mungkin paling cepat 2 bulan dan paling lambat sampai 4 bulan menunggu.

tarikh interview SPA -  26/12/2012

update 1:

Dah dapat surat lantikan dari SPA pada 16/2/2013.
Dalam sampul surat ada:
 -surat tawaran pelantikan UD41
 -surat setuju terima Pelantikan SPA.6A
 -Borang Medical check up
 -Contoh surat aku janji

update 2:

akhirnya dapat surat induksi pada  6/3/2013

aku diarah untuk hadir ke induksi atau nama barunya 'Program Transformasi Minda' /PTM. lantak hang la nak panggil program apa. yang penting dah nk start kerja.

aku kena hadir induksi pada 18/3/2013-22/3/2013.  

Maka secara total tempoh menunggu dari interview SPA sehingga ke induksi ialah hampir 3 bulan.

kalau nk dikira tempoh menunggu dari grad sehingga induksi ianya 4 bulan sebab nak tunggu interview pun hampir satu bulan. Situasi mungkin berbeza bagi local students yang buat interview sebelum final exam.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Interview SPA (Medic)

Dua bulan lepas aku pergi ke interview SPA utk pegawai perubatan UD41.

Rasa agak cuak walaupun mmg dh tau yg interview ni sekadar formality.

Sebelum pergi interview ada google sket pasal interview ni. ada la jumpa beberapa artikel yg bagitau apa nk prepare sebelum hadir temuduga spa.

Tapi sekarang ni spa dah tukar format interview. jadi nak citer sket utk jadi panduan kt korang yg nk gi interview lepas2 ni.

aku hadir temuduga di pusat temuduga spa di jalan chenderasari, kl.

kena ada kt sana kul 8 am. dokumen2 yg kena bawa tu korang cek sdiri la.

aku sampai pukul 7.45 am. Masa tu dh ramai calon sedang menunggu. pak guard minta semua calon tunggu dulu kt bawah.

bila dah tepat pukul 8 am semua calon diarah naik ke tingkat atas (tak ingat tingkat berape). aku follow je... aku datang skali dgn member aku sorang.

kami masuk dalam satu bilik menunggu yg agak luas. dalam bilik tu ada 5 bilik interview tp hanya 2 bilik diguna untuk interview calon pegawai perubatan.

ada ramai calon.. rasanya nak dekat 200 org. Semua dari oversea kalau tak silap

Kami diberi briefing oleh seorang staf. time tu baru tau 5 orang calon akan masuk sekali gus utk setiap interview. Sebelum itu kami diarah untuk mengisi borang dan bila siap kena hantar borang sekali dengan dokumen2 yg telah disahkan.

Siapa yang hantar borang awal akan dapat giliran awal. JADI PASTIKAN ANDA ISI DAN SERAH BORANG CEPAT2 KALAU NAK SETEL AWAL. aku memang antara yang cepat siap isi borang dan dapat masuk bilik interview dalam round ke-2.

temuduga bermula jam 9 am. 5 calon utk bilik 1 dan 5 calon lg utk bilik 2. bila 15 minit berlalu dia akan panggil 5 calon seterusnya bg setiap bilik utk stand by depan bilik interview. Kumpulan pertama selesai interview dalam masa hampir 30 minit.

Kemudian aku diarah masuk ke dalam bilik temuduga bersama-sama 4 calon yg lain. Dalam bilik ada seorang pegawai spa dan seorang doktor. bahagian pertama, setiap calon dikehendaki memperkenalkan diri masing2. Di bahagian kedua, doktor tu tanya beberapa soalan basic utk setiap calon.

soalan2 group aku dapat:
1. define fracture
2. clinical features of fracture
3. risk factors for hypertension
4. what is non-communicable disease
5. complications of diabetes

kalau nk jawab angkat tangan. kalau tak pun doktor tu akan pin point kat mana-mana calon. tp doktor yg aku dapat tu mmg baik super. akhir sekali dia tanya calon kalau ada apa2 soalan nk tanya.

rasa kejap sangat dlm bilik interview. dah habis terus bla.

*update - ada jgk member aku yg kena interview dlm group 8 orang. ramai yg kata soalan2 sgt random. jadi x perlu risau sgt berkenaan preparation. relax je. be confident.